samedi 9 mars 2013

 Most dangerous spiders in the world

There are many candidates for the title of the world’s deadliest spider. One of the most important considerations in determining the deadliest, is who the spider is deadly to. Some spiders can efficiently poison even small mammals with their venom, and a few can make humans very ill as well. Typical listings for deadliest spider include the Brazilian Wandering Spider, which occasionally shows up in cluster of bananas in the US, the Funnel Web Spider, which lives in Australia, the Hobo Spider, which can be found in the US, and the Brown Recluse.

1.Brown Recluse
This spider is a native of the United States. A seemingly innocuous spider, yet its bite can wreak all kinds of havoc on humans. Brown Recluse spiders like to hide away in dark places, such as boxes, under furniture and around books. Symptoms of having been bit by this spider include redness and swelling around the bite, as well as nausea, fever, vomiting and shivering.

2.Black Widow
The Black Widow's scientific name is the Latrodectus hesperus. Although most are black, some Black Widow spiders are actually brown. Females feature a red hourglass shape on their abdomens. Black Widows like warmer regions and thrive in the desserts of the United States. Although the female black widow does inject poison when it bites, only one percent of bites result in death.

3.Brazilian Wandering Spider
Also called the Banana Spider, this species is both aggressive and extremely venomous. Although called a Brazilian spider, there are a variety of species found in forests in countries such as Costa Rica, Argentina, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. The spider's venom contains a neorotoxin known as PhTx3. Although their venom is deadly, the spider or spiders would have inject enough venom to harm a human.

4.Funnel-Web Spiders
Funnel-Web spiders are found in Australia close to Sydney. The bites from these spiders are dangerous and can cause a number of frightening symptoms in as little as 10 or 15 minutes. Of greatest concern are symptoms such as difficulty breathing and coma. Lesser symptoms include chills, fever, vomiting, numbness of mouth and lips and drooping eyelids. If bitten by this spider, seek an antivenom.

5.Mouse Spiders
Even though the Black Widow may have a better known name, the Mouse Spider is actually quite venomous. Also, these spiders are in nearly every country and environment imaginable. The female is black and the male is dark brown or black with a red head area. The venom of the Mouse Spider is similar to the venom in a Funnel-Web spider. This spider is highly aggressive and will attack when it feels threatened.

6.Red Back Spider
This spider is found in Australia. Its bite can be deadly, especially to the very young or the very old. The spider likes dry areas and is often found outdoors. Its appearance is similar to that of the black widow. It is found in both rural and urban areas. Most bites from the Red Back Spider occur in the summertime. Symptoms include pain, sweating, vomiting and weakness in the muscles.

7.Wolf Spider
These spiders are both brown and gray. Their venom might not be lethal, but like any spider bite infection can set in. If bitten by a Wolf Spider, or any spider, you should seek treatment from your doctor. Do not bind a bite wound, instead put ice on it until you can reach medical help. There around 125 different types of Wolf Spiders found in the USA and another 50 in Europe.

8.Goliath Birdeater Tarantula
One of the largest spiders around, just the site of this monster is enough to strike fear in the heart of any arachnophobe. Even though this giant is the size of a dinner plate, and does carry venom, it is far from deadly. Most of the time, some minor pain and swelling will occur at the site of the bite. The Goliath Birdeater can even devour a full grown mouse or small birds, thus the name.

9.Sac Spider
Large Sac Spider
Even though Brown Recluse spiders are often blamed for spider bites, scientists suspect that many bites come from these Sac spiders. Sac spiders carry a venom that has cytotoxin and actually kills cells. Even though the bite can leave a nasty mark and irritation in the area, or the person might feel a bit ill, these bites are not deadly. These spiders are also known as ghost spiders.

10.Hobo Spider
These spiders look similar to a brown recluse, but have hairier legs. Although the spider's bite is not deadly, the venom can actually cause tissue to die at and around the bite site. The bites can take months to heal and leave permanent scars. One of the easiest to recognize symptoms of this spider's bite is a severe and persistent headache that will not go away with medication.

 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

There are thousands of Dog bite cases all over the world,specially in Developing countries where Dogs can be found on Streets,it’s not that that the Street Dogs are responsible for all the cases,obviously sometimes Pet Dog are also responsible for these cases,However some of the Dog breeds are aggressive since the birth it is most probably because of the genes However training and proper care of any Dog can have impact on dog which is found in every Pet Dog,But still some of them are dangerous and have been found in lots of surveys on Dogs,Here we are listing top 10 dangerous Dog breeds-

1.PitBull-The Pitbull Dog breed comprises of different dog breeds namely-American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffordshire Terrier and any crosses between the three dog breeds.The Pitbull Dogs are also used in lots of illegal Dog Fighting in USA.
Pit Bull breeds have become famous for their roles as soldiers in the army by helping the Human soldiers,as  police dogs, and as search and rescue dogs, actors, television personalities, seeing eye dogs and celebrity pets.
A pit bull is a fearless dog that will take on any opponent. They will lock their jaws onto the prey until it’s dead.


2.Rottweilers-Rottweiler Dogs are from medium to large size breed of domestic dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany,The dogs were known as “Rottweil butchers’ dogs” because they were used to herd livestock and pull carts laden with butchered meat and other products to market.
Rottweilers Dogs are now used as search and rescue dogs, as guide dogs for the blind, as guard dogs or police dogs.
They are an extremely intelligent breed  That’s why they make great guard dogs, but poor training can lead them to become very aggressive and disobedient.
Pitbull and  Rottweiler are are responsible for an estimated 60 percent of all dog bite fatalities.

3.Siberian Husky-Siberian Husky is a medium-size, dense-coat working dog breed that originated in north-eastern Siberia. The breed belongs to the Spitz genetic family,Huskies are  active, energetic, and resilient breed, Siberian Huskies were bred by the Chukchi of Northeastern Asia to pull heavy loads long distances through difficult conditions,Because they were originally bred for work and typically did not socialize with humans, this large breed can have behavioral issues and sometimes mistaken children for prey.

4.Alaskan Malamutes-Alaskan Malamute is a generally large breed of domestic dog . They are sometimes mistaken for a Siberian Husky due to color and markings, but they are quite different in many ways including size, structure and personality. As pets, once mature, Alaskan Malamutes have a very quiet, dignified temperament and are loyal to their owners.

5.German Shepherd-The German Shepherd Dog , also known as  Alsatian or just the German Shepherd, is a breed of large-sized dog . German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with its origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, the German Shepherd is a working dog developed originally for herding and guarding sheep. Because of its strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training it is widely used by police and military,German shepherds are very intelligent and friendly. But their jaw strength and natural instincts make them equally dangerous in certain situations.

6.Great Dane-The Great Dane, also known as German Mastiff or Danish Hound, is a breed of domestic dog  known for its giant size.The Great Dane is one of the world’s tallest dog breeds,but they are also known for developing aggressive behavior with poor training. At 150 lbs with inches-long teeth, an aggressive dog presents a very dangerous scenario, especially around children.

7.Doberman Pinscher-Doberman Pinscher or simply called as Doberman, is a breed of domestic dog originally developed around 1890 by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Doberman Pinschers are one of the most common Dog Breed, and the breed is well known as an intelligent, alert, and loyal companion dog. They are known for responding aggressively to physical corrections in training,Therefore they can be dangerous.

8.Chow Chow- Chows are extremely territorial. Any strangers entering the property or approaching family members are considered a threat by this breed, and even well-trained dogs are known to aggressively defend their territory.,Sometimes can be too much dangerous.

9.Presa Canario-The Perro de Presa Canario is a large Molosser-type dog breed originally bred for working livestock. The name of the breed is Spanish, means “Canarian blood hound,” and is often shortened to “Presa Canario” or simply “Presa.”
Originally bred to guard and fight with cattle, an attack by this dog has been described as hopeless for the victim. They are a guardian breed with man-stopping ability, incredible power and a complete lack of fear.

10.Boxer-Boxer is a breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog. The coat is smooth and tight-fitting; colors are fawn or brindled, with or without white markings, which may cover the entire body.Boxers are the seventh most popular breed of dog in the United States.These dogs are not typically aggressive by nature. They are bright, energetic and playful breed. Boxers have been known to be “headstrong”, which makes it a bit difficult to train them but with positive reinforcement techniques, Boxers often respond much better.


lundi 4 mars 2013

Rarest Animals in the World

Rarest Animals in the World

1. The Pinta Island tortoise

2. Red Wolf

 3. Sao Tome Shrew
 4. Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)
 5. Tarsiers